Pdq deploy powershell script returned error code 1. Menu and Toolbar Icons; Tree and Page Icons .
Pdq deploy powershell script returned error code 1 Cr Try to deploy 1803 result in Exit Code: -1047526912 BatchPatch Forums Home › Forums › BatchPatch Support Forum › Try to deploy 1803 result in Exit Code: -1047526912 This topic has 2 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 6 years, 3 months ago by doug . Remote commands must be able to run silently. Run As: Select the account the package will Run As. Kevin Still April 18, 2019 17:40. I am using Windows update powershell script to install/check for updates on our machines. If you’d like to build your own TightVNC package you can follow the steps outlined below. exe (found in PsTools from Microsoft Systernals) -. You still should exit with the actual exit code, though, because otherwise the exit code would only be set when running the script via powershell. We're in the process of migrating to Office 365 and want to sync OneDrive with a mapped network drive. PCs fully patched: All > Powershell Scanner > Title > Equals > (leave blank. I have a PowerShell script that deploys signatures. Once we removed that code the script worked again. Return to top # Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Please be sure to answer the question. This is because PowerShell only determines whether or not the script was able to run rather than what errors or exceptions happen during a deployment Step 1 = Install softwareStep 2 = Apply firewall rule via PowerShell The software does not return a completion code saying it installed and fails at the predetermined timeout. I am trying to push a Powershell script in PDQ Deploy but when I run it on a remote computer it errors off talking about this "@chcp 65001>nul". If user input is required (for example having to confirm Yes by pressing Y ) the command will ultimately timeout. Help for PDQ Deploy. Package Library in PDQ Deploy; Downloading Packages from the Library; Auto Download Packages; Online Package Library Information; Creating and Editing Packages. Included in the files section:-. This was the answer for me when trying to run a PowerShell script as a post-build event – D. Menu and Toolbar Icons; Tree and Page Icons I cannot do it through pdq is there a way to make this work? James D solution is at the bottom wrap the winget in a ps1 file then run it that way. I have downloaded the source files using setup. Create a Copy step in the package if you're going to use a custom . because REM is generally used to remark out code in bat files. After applying all available MS patches, it worked flawlessly. 0 and a 17. A return code of 0 means there are no updates, and a return code of 3010 means there are updates available. For example: Below we have two commands on separate lines. The working directory for any running deployment in PDQ Connect will be C:\ProgramData\PDQ\PDQConnectAgent\Downloads\dvc_task_{GUID}. In fact, building this package is an excellent exercise for learning how to build complex packages. Enter a name for the package, then click New Step > Command or New Step > PowerShell. B. fail - unable to access computer. com/theme_assets/17901/70b2bc91dc4ac21d5b16949212990a9dcc8da823. This is because PowerShell only determines whether or not the script was able to run rather than what errors or exceptions happen during a deployment Remote commands must be able to run silently. ps1 script file, and return to the PowerShell window. I can run a very basic (one line) Important Notice: On February 29th, this community was put into read-only mode. On the powershell side there’s no text; on the command-line side you see the text of the command and it just moves on without comment. 0\PowerShell. Click Save when finished, and close the Purpose You wish to use a running process condition in a PDQ Deploy Package to either stop deployment if that process is running or stop deployment if that process is not running. //theme. 2. If I run it with PDQ Deploy it's throwing an exception, most of Skip to main content. Creating a New Package; PowerShell Step Properties; Nested Package Step Properties; Scan Step Properties; File Copy Step Properties; Reboot Step Properties; Sleep Step Properties; a little bit confused as you say: “For adding Publisher you create the following config file:” but then you proceed to keep the following line in the xml file: Turns out I didn't have quotes around the paths so when I introduced a space in that path it exited with code 1. Resolution: Error code 1641, ERROR_SUCCESS_REBOOT_INITIATED, You wish to force a process to end by leveraging TaskKill in a PDQ Deploy package. IF %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 1 (exit /B 0) ELSE (exit /B 1) // if previous command returned 1 (meaning success for this command), // then we exit with return code 0 (meaning success for Jenkins), // otherwise we exit with return code 1 (meaning failure for Jenkins) It was a PowerShell step. Example. Local System: Runs the deployment as the Local System account. exe //b "ActivateWin10. Now I’ve tried using both my The user. The example below When I try to do a Powershell script step in PDQ (with the same command as above) it will run for about 1 minute then says successful - but nothing is installed on the test PC. 0 Enterprise mode The user. NET Framework 3. Code 128 means that the process you attempted to kill wasn't actually running on the target system. return 0 - nothing to deploy (signature is already there) return 1 - deployed signature, see output log for more info. There's no way to Package Library in PDQ Deploy; Downloading Packages from the Library; Auto Download Packages; Online Package Library Information; Creating and Editing Packages. vbs script to copy files to machine-. Improve this The Commands tool will only accept one command at a time. For more information about Run As settings, see Run As in Deployments Preferences. When you run taskkill. While Start-Process -NoNewWindow can be used to run in the same window, and -RedirectStandard* can be used to capture the output streams in (text-only) files, Start-Process is still the wrong tool for invoking FYI - The end user wouldn't see the echos or indeed any of the deployment progress. Right now, PDQ's command line for this step is %systemroot%\System32\WindowsPowerShell\V1. I am not an expert when it comes to PowerShell, and I'm sure the code can be written better, but I was after results and this works. PowerShell will return a value of 0 to PDQ Deploy when a PowerShell step is run on a target. ps1 is called. If you have previously imported these certificates, you will need to import the new one (8AB2A1, expires 09/12/2025). Weird. exe /download config. Tried on both a 17. 2. 5 Be the first to comment Nobody's responded to this post yet. This script will still work but it breaks the convention and I definitely deserve a groin punch for putting This is the working directory that PDQ Deploy uses to stage and then execute the installation). Add your thoughts and get the conversation going. Provide details and share your research! But avoid . The example below Good point, but it's not the easiest way, it's an entirely different use case: launching a process in a separate window (on Windows), with no input- and output-stream integration. This is because PowerShell only determines whether or not the script was able to run rather than what errors or exceptions happen during a deployment The Real Housewives of Atlanta; The Bachelor; Sister Wives; 90 Day Fiance; Wife Swap; The Amazing Race Australia; Married at First Sight; The Real Housewives of Dallas Policy shouldn't be a big deal, all thats doing for me is making sure it only gets Critical and Recommended updates, not Optional. Success Codes - Executable and batch installs typically report success with a return code of 0 (zero) but some also return success with other return codes. In this case, we want that counted as a success. Main Console Window; Package Window; Deploy Once Window; Print Preview Window; Icon Quick Reference Glossary . In PDQ Deploy, click the New Package button. exe -Command, but not when running the script via powershell. Menu and Toolbar Icons; Tree and Page Icons To create a new PDQ Deploy package: 1. exe from PDQ Deploy (usually in a Command Step in PDQ Deploy) it is important to add the exit code '128' as a Successful Return Code. Purpose: You receive an error 1641 after deploying an MSI (etc. for a report of all computers scanned, if you can return to the Inventory home Just remember that the script is just handling whether the users wants to run the upgrade now or later, then the PDQ deploy schedule handles running the script on machines which don't have the upgade (based off a PDQ inventory collection). Just like in PowerShell, however, you can use a semicolon to connect multiple commands on a single line. Thanks! The user. Is there an output I can set at the end of the powershell script to identify how it went on a specific machine? Here's the script: (For example, success code 128 is returned if firefox. I tried as logged in user and deploy user. Like I mentioned, when I run it manually, through PowerShell, it works just fine, however I want to use PDQ Deploy because choosing the target makes it easier for filling in the env:COMPUTERNAME variable. 0. It does not have any installation switches available as I checked via the usual methods. I'm still looking for a way to still use Powershell script as an Application in MDT keeping the return code working all the way up but for the meantime I have a suitable workaround. (You can also use the PowerShell ISE or VS CodeVS Code. vbs" conditions all, arch 32/64, powershell version all, logged on state always run success codes 0,1641,3010,2359302 I tried runas interactive and it fails the same. If you have a script already, you can click the Insert PowerShell Script link; otherwise, just enter the command into the PowerShell window. If user input is required (for example having to confirm Yes by pressing Y) the command will ultimately timeout. I also notice when the command finishes, it opens System32 in File Explorer. Add a PowerShell step and click "Insert PowerShell Script". Try typing out the full network share file path instead of just using the drive letter. ) package. Resolution. If I run my ps1 script on the PC as the user manually I get no errors. exe)-. On the PDQ Deploy Main Console window, click New Package on the toolbar (or click File > New Package or press Ctrl + N). e. I'm rolling out LAPS in my org and have installed the powershell module on the PDQ central server. Here's a problem I'm having that I'm hoping someone can help me figure out. The errors are from trying to remove appx packages that Microsoft won't let you remove. This is expected. WARNING: The certificate whose thumbprint starts with 709DF9 expired on October 18, 2019 and 32AE19 expired October 17, 2022. 4. Usually these are warnings or other informational return codes that you can safely ignore. zdassets. Fred Running dotnet swagger from the command line in the solution root returned this error: Hi All! So I am trying to create a PowerShell step in PDQ and I am having a hard time with the output log. No errors, but it doesn’t seem to do anything after the ipconfig command. Here is a sample of my code. The problem is that I'm using a Powershell script while deploying a Windows system with MDT. json npm run . 5. When running PowerShell scripts, the most common method is to call it in the PowerShell terminal. exe is not running on the target. Community Join discussions with other users Afternoon Community! I have an issue with installing o365 that has me going round the houses. xml I have created an SCCM software this means your script "swallows" the exit code and exits normally. And throw test command so return :Return code: 0 I try any command alway return code 0 Remote commands must be able to run silently. This is because PowerShell only determines whether or not the script was able to run rather than what errors or exceptions happen during a deployment The user. ) If I run this locally in powershell on my computer it runs fine. What ended up being the problem was we had " Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted " (& then Restricted at the end of script) which had worked previously but made it stop working after late April for some reason. Help with PowerShell Script. Here it is and I hope this helps Help for PDQ Deploy. Consult the documentation for the installer in question or reach out to the vendor to Now I’ve tried powershell, scripts, but they have given me issues, I also tried to simply use the command step within pdq deploy to run netsh commands, but when I do that I Yes, it runs locally and generates errors but still works. reg files to target computers. xml installer file for import of steps into PDQ Deploy Pro Not Included but Needed: -PsExec. Return Codes that are not listed here will result in an error, even if the deployment was successful. Resolution: 1. This is because PowerShell only determines whether or not the script was able to run rather than what errors or exceptions happen during a deployment //theme. I cannot figure out what is throwing the error code 1. If multiple files are needed for Installation (i. The script is called last in the task sequence. the same as you right clicking an exe and choosing RUN AS 1. The installation needs to refer to some files on a network share called \\Katrina\SharedDirectory. However, HKEY_CURRENT_USER (HKCU) I have asked this on PDQ support and haven’t received a response, so I’d thought I’d ask here. ico file (PDQ Deploy Enterprise mode required). exe -File: Hi everybody. you need to add a check to your script that would catch the exit code of your npm run lint and exit with the same exit code, something like: - script: | npm install npm run lint # Mapped to `eslint src` in package. It looks to be code related to setting language but it was not in my script so found in the output log that is shows the path to the script that was ran and made a copy of it before PDQ deleted it out Install file is in the repository no parameters command line cscript. In the case of PDQ Deploy, and invoke-command, you are say "Put a prompt for input on the remote machine for input". Etc etc. Name the package something meaningful. 99% of the time, you are not at that machine to provide the needed input for the script to continue. Important Notice: On February 29th, this community was put into read-only mode. xml file, I can see that there are If the installer doesn't EVER seem to send a return code, try running it as a cmd/powershell step instead of an "install" step, or vice versa. To create a new PDQ Deploy package: 1. Menu and Toolbar Icons; Tree and Page Icons Success Codes: Comma separated list of return codes that indicate the command was successful. Share. By reading the log. So my issue, which I am still puzzled by is that when I run it using PDQ deploy, it says its successful, but it doesn’t do anything, however if I just run it from my desktop it works. PDQ Deploy runs the installers silently so the end users don't know whats going on. 0 version. This is the default run mode. I am trying to figure out if it is possible to have a PDQ report run to say which computers had the 3010 return code. Create a New Package in PDQ Deploy. This is because PowerShell only determines whether or not the script was able to run rather than what errors or exceptions happen during a deployment Troubleshooting Deployment Errors << Click to Display Table of Contents >> Troubleshooting Deployment Errors: PDQ Deploy may be used to export registry settings via . json if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then exit 1 fi npm run slint # `stylelint src` in package. exe arguments | select -first 1) I run the above code in my Azure Devops pipeline, $myValue contains the value I'm expecting, but I get: If you explicitly add an exit code to your PowerShell step or if you call a PowerShell script that contains an exit code, it will be returned as $lastexitcode after user. To extend this audit functionality for PDQ Inventory users, there are additional files that have been bundled with this package. The example below If you have access to the PDQ Deploy Package Library you can use our pre-built package for silently installing TightVNC to all of your Windows computers. This is because PowerShell only determines whether or not the script was able to run rather than what errors or exceptions happen during a deployment Help for PDQ Deploy. ps1 script contains the PowerShell code that is contained in a PowerShell step. If you don't specify a policy, I believe it'll update whatever it can find. Save your . winget install "lenovo commercial vantage" --accept-package-agreements --accept-source-agreements. \command. I have a PowerShell script running as Step 1. In this example, I’ll use a PowerShell step. Signing PowerShell Steps and Tools PowerShell scripts must be enabled and allowed to run on endpoints; Additional setup for PDQ Deploy and Inventory customers: 1. Thanks. ) The default codes of 1641 and 3010 are MSI codes indicating that the installation was successful but a reboot was started (1641) or a reboot is required (3010). ) In this case, we want that counted as a success. You want to understand why the selected package returned an unsuccessful return code. I set up a command step with the following line: @(pfx86)\\dell\\commandupd The user. PCs with updates available: All > Powershell Scanner > Size > Greater Than > 1kb. Clayton Murphy Updated November 08, 2023 15:03 Install (and uninstall) without disruption. Write-Output "Starting Script" # I have tried Echo's instead as well I was wrong - it doesn’t run outside of the task sequence. exe -NoLogo -NonInteractive $myValue= (. Creating a New Package; PowerShell Step Properties; Nested Package Step Properties; Scan Step Properties; File Copy Step Properties; Reboot Step Properties; Sleep Step Properties; Because your script uses -AllUsers switch, it applies to any users including currently logged on user, which is impossible to proceed on since removing apps includes messing around registry, and registry of said user is already mounted by that user. Update Notes; Welcome to PDQ Deploy. there are other files needed beyond the main installation exe or msi file) verify that your PDQ Deploy Package has the additional files either specified (using the Add Files drop down) or the option Love PDQ Deploy! But ran into this little trick with automated MSI Deployments with PDQ that i wanted to post up here in case anyone else ever finds them searching for a way to install MSI or EXE packages with PDQ Deploy and ensuring that PDQ deploys them using Elevated Permissions (i. So I have a cmd script, that I made to change the DNS IP’s. This saves installing it on all the workstations. Try PDQ Deploy & Inventory — free for 14 days. Exit code is coming back as 0 for successful Stop Deployment with Success is enabled For some reason it The user. Read-Host provides you a way to do user input, which is then passed on as a variable to further commands in the script. A new blank Package window opens with the Detail tab of the Package Properties selected. svg. . Uninstalling and unprovisioning apps is an operation that supposed to happen during workstation deployment before anyone logs in IMPORTANT: PowerShell version 1 is not supported in PDQ Deploy. is what i put directly into the ps section of pdq deploy and it threw errors. PDQ Deploy Overview; PDQ Deploy Features Overview; Licensing; License Window; Support and Feedback; The PDQ Deploy Interface. Let’s say that you start an installation. 1. Native However, PDQ typically ends up saying "Failed command script returned error code 1". I'm trying to run Dell Command Update in CLI mode in target computer in order to configure the bios password. In PDQ Deploy, click New Package or Ctrl+N from the toolbar or click on File > New Package or right-click the Packages folder in the navigation tree and select New Package. Menu and Toolbar Icons; Tree and Page Icons Deployments older than the cleanup threshold, configured in Options > Preferences > Deployments, will have been removed and will not appear in the All Deployments page. This method helped me find that out. When I deploy it via PDQ I get "Package returned error code 1". Attempting to paste a script with multiple lines into the Run Command field will result in errors when processing a new line. The user. Using this method, you can make your changes in the script and save it before deploying. I would like to create a new PDQ package which simply executes the reset-admpwdpassword command targetted at the computer which the deploy package is set to run for. This is because PowerShell only determines whether or not the script was able to run rather than what errors or exceptions happen during a deployment This post assumes that you already have a PDQ Deploy package for installing the latest Dell Command Update program and focuses primarily on the actual DCU update process. PDQ deploy 17. All existing posts will remain but customers are unable to add new posts or comment on existing. Where to Find Deployment Errors. If you need user interaction, you must set the Run As option to Deploy User (Interactive) or Logged on User. Deployments can be viewed from the All Deployments page, or by selecting a package in the tree and selecting the Deployments tab. I have used a deploy account with admin rights (both standard and interactive), and tried deploying as local system. You can try running it as "Deploy User (interactive)" and see if that changes anything. exe executable for program (pdqupdateprompt. On the Details tab, type the name, version, and description for the package. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. Again, a simple 1-line command from CMD that works locally and fails via PDQ. If I copy the code into PDQ deploy as a powershell step it fails. A full patched PC will return a null value, and the scanner will record it as a blank entry) PCs with any Office updates: Any > Powershell Scanner > Title > Contains > Office. Name the package something reasonable, and choose the appropriate Copy Mode (see Considerations below) if not already set globally (Pull Copy Mode should be default in your I found this is a bug on a fresh install of Windows 10 1903. oaupxyqskpfqyndbiulusbgrumlbibfmyltqdkzixdlaqaepvyawcnwmmeizipdemyaqvjsvergmr