Ffxiv stuck at 60 fps. The game can run at an eye melting 200+FPS if I so desired.
Ffxiv stuck at 60 fps Yeah I checked to make sure there was no frame rate caps enabled. tl;dr If you're having framerate issues when playing in borderless windowed, while using the frame cap on a windows 11 pc, then try disabling "Optimizations for windowed games" for FF14 in: "System > Display > Graphics". I'm currently playing this game @Maximum setting on PC, i have done the benchmark test and scored Extremely High. I have a 144hz monitor but i can barely see the difference between the two and my gpu runs way more quietly and uses like 60 watts less, which is a big deal for me considering energy prices and how much i idle in the game. How to fix: Turn off the reduced framerate when minimized. 4 GHz 8 GB RAM So that's the reason why with FFXIV I can't go beyond 60 FPS unless I buy one like the LG C1? Zamahel, so your 4k TV is one of the newest gen one supporting 120hz? You could change it in the settings to have unlimited FPS even if your monitor/TV is capped to 60 FPS, but there is no reason to do this as you will just cause your GPU to run hotter It's by no means game breaking, but it is a touch annoying. I just don't need 144 fps to watch these cutscenes. Offline. For some arbitrary reason, they implemented a fps cap with the expansion. 00 GHZ, not overclocked yet EVGA GTX 980 SC 16 GB Ram, 500GB 850 Pro, etc. This never used to happen until like, earlier January or so. Since this game needs Hello all. For some reason when vsync is on my machine struggles to keep it at 60 fps, but when vsync is off the performance overall is more stable. Of course overclocking is another think you need to consider. None 120 fps (Refresh Rate 1/1) 60 fps (Refresh Rate 1/2) 30 fps (Refresh Rate 1/4) Limit frame rate when client is inactive. My specs are: i7 4790k 4. Uncapped is amazing and makes spell casting more fluid but your character slow walks while moving at running speed or glitches between both so I cap FPS at 60. What is occurring: For whatever reason, the driver or the game thinks that the game isn't in focus. Thanks for linking me. You can downscale from 4K to 1440 on certain monitors instead of being stuck in 1080p but as a result the console thinks you’re outputting at 4K and so with HDMI 2. //config FrameRateDivisor 0 This will give you an uncapped FPS. I think the client thinks its "inactive" so its limiting the FPS. While the game allows us to remove the FPS cap it removes cloth, earrings, ears, and other natural in-game physics, which looks really bad visually when most games today achieve Hi, i tested with the highest settings, AND the lowest settings, and it is limited to 40 fps, my laptop is plugged ALWAYS to the charger, i am using a cooling base and the fan profile is set to 100%, i am using a 144hz external monitor, and it is just, limited to 40 fps. Its definitely is way way smoother than 60 fps. I'm kinda massively overkilling it with a 3080TI. The other day it reenabled itself (dunno why) and it happened again. If they're dipping down to 50, or 40 FPS, then that's going to make your overall experience feel a lot more jittery and 'less smooth'. r/ffxiv. Most windowed modes will also not go above 60, full screen mode is normally required for any unlocked refresh rate to function. What you might try is set My FPS cap in game is stuck at 60 FPS even if I uncheck to none. Im trying to play FFXIV with it, but the game always capped me at 60 fps. 1) The limitation is Sony not implementing native 1440p support on PS5. ps4 pro in performance mode or ps5 in 1080p/WQHD can reach the cap pretty well though. Anytime I have Youtube, Netflix, or any other video playback application running in the background on my second monitor, FFXIV locks my FPS down to 30 from 60. This monitor has a refresh rate of 75 hz. It's supposed to be a 90fps cap, but lots of people are getting locked to 60. But set you game settings as high as you like, the issue you have with FPS is clearly not performance. 60 GHz, 16 GB RAM, Nvidia GeForce GTX 1650 A community for those with interest in Square Enix's original MMORPG, Final Fantasy XI (FFXI, FF11). The same applies if I play in Borderless Windowed. My monitor is set to 120hz but the benchmark does not go over 60fps. did all that. 1 Nvidia GTX 960 AMD FX 8310 8 core @3. You can turn Frame Skip off to get more than 60 FPS, but that will result in a lot of visual weirdness. Monitor supports and is set to 165mhz. Even tho CPU is bottlenecking GPU, it I did some more testing. and this game only. FFXIV's engine is kinda ancient by today's standards and has horrible issues with their internal framerate limiter, that doesn't always show as clearly as in this case. I used to be uncapped and have about 120 FPS before Dawntrail dropped, and I’m now capped at 60 even after selecting no limit or main display refresh rate (120). Checked Control Panel and Nvidia Control Panel and they are both set to 144. Honestly I don't see no difference in 60 fps or 120 fps besides for my PC working harder. If you set FFXI to 30 fps this program can use framegen to up it to 60 or even higher. As such, I have the following available options for frame limiting. (On/Off no changes) Uninstall my drivers then install This week my FPS took a dive and in the Frame Rate settings in FFXIV it doesn't show 144 as the 1/1 option anymore, only 60. I realised this was the case when setting v-sync on and tabbing out to find the game ran at a steady 60 fps, and still locked to 30 fps when tabbed in. I have tried most combinations of ingame settings (frame rate limiter, fullscreen/windowed, highest and lowest rendering settings) along with the Nvidia external settings (vsync, G-SYNC, limiting framerate). PS3 and 4 were capped at 30. 45-60 FPS: Smooth. Tried both borderless and fullscreen. I’m running on a 9900k and a 2070 Super, and it doesn’t even go below 60 at 4K, let alone 1080p. Works well with Nikke,Elden ring,Emus,etc and is a blessing I have a 1050 on a PC and I am able to run at a constant 60 fps, zones like Mhaura or Por Jeuno Mog house I am normally stuck around 30-45 fps mark. Set the cap to 60 fps, and turn it on. It's entirely With the DX11 client, the Frame Rate Limit is set to 75 fps (Refresh Rate 1/1) but my FPS goes to a max of 60. Sounds like someone who's using a 60Hz display and is shocked that turning off VSync results in nothing but screen tearing. Active for two decades, FFXI has over a dozen active servers, receives monthly updates, and is tied to Nexon's cancelled Final Fantasy XI R mobile project. Hey guys i got my new laptop yesterday "scar 17 2022" Rtx 3070ti/ i9 12900H It has a mux switch When it's in hybrid mode games run at 60 fps only I tried everything: assigning the games to use the dedicated gpu in nvidia control When I start FFXIV, it will be stuck at about 15-20 FPS. Here's the things i've done : Switching the Display in game to None, 144, You have a 60Hz monitor so Vsync caps your fps at 60. It can happen at any time, from boot to after a couple of hours if not more, so I have no idea what it could be that's causing this, specially considering I got a new 165Hz 1440p monitor to upgrade from my 60Hz 1080p monitor, and the higher refresh rate is noticeable and working on my desktop and software, but my in-game framerates are stuck at 60 in every game. Hello Pretty simple i have a 120hz monitor and i set my frame rate limit to 120fps (refresh rate 1/1) and the game runs at 60 fps locked. If your 1% lows are >60 FPS, you're probably fine in this regard. I use the DX11 client and for some odd reason, the game caps the frame rate to 59. 0 you’re stuck at a 60hz cap instead of being able to hit 1440p 120. browsing. Previously I was able to get a GPU score >17k >140fps. There are two ways to cap fps when gaming, one is using a built-in fps limiter in game (FFXIV), another is using Frame Rate Target Control (FRTC) in Radeon Driver. If the game determines the game is not the "active" window it throttles it's resources. I think Nvidia's latest driver is at fault. i cap my fps to 100 in using the nvidia control panel. The fps is tied in with how the server tracks your movements. You should be able to easily get 60 FPS in 1080p. Make sure your monitor is also actually running on 144hz. I'm specifically looking to run my game above 60 FPS. ADMIN MOD how to cap the game at 60 fps [Tech Support] i want to cap the game at 60 fps bc i have the in game option checked for 72 fps cap but my gpu still gets kinda toasty when playing (80 celcius) and rivatuner doesnt give me the option to use it as a way to Im trying to play FFXIV with it, but the game always capped me at 60 fps. and i am starting to stress a lot. I am trying to hit over 144 FPS on maximum settings because I use a 144 HZ monitor. Restart the Benchmark, When set to 120 fps, it seems to work correctly (I get constant 120 fps) but if I set to 60 fps then the actual fps drop below 20 fps. Checked all free sync is off. My laptop spec: Intel i7 -9750H CPU @2. But when I click over the FFXIV window a gain to make it the active window, my FPS tanks back to 20. Simply just clipping threw. At 1080p the lowest frame rate I’ve seen is like 90FPS, so if OP is getting lower than that on a better PC then something is definitely wrong. Fix for scroll wheel reset stuck in edit mode? r/ffxiv. eliminating all other players in a fierce contest of skill and strategy. All the NVIDIA control panel such as : turn off V-Sync, turn off the max frame After a few minutes, game drops to 30-40 fps and GPU is at 50%. Here's the things i've done : Switching the Display in game to None, 144, 72 (no results) My monitor is set to 144 Hz on Windows 11 and on the Nvidia Panel I tried to change my Vsync on Nvidia but no result. Posts: 7. The past week or so while playing FFXIV my FPS will suddenly drop very low to 9-11 fps and I will experience massive lag. With each card drawn and spell cast, the outcome of the battle hangs in the balance. 第60回FFXIVプロデューサーレターLIVE; 第56回FFXIVプロデューサーレターLIVE; 第53回FFXIV Getting less than 30 FPS in a fast-paced game may still feel unplayable to some gamers. A community for fans of the critically acclaimed MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV, with an expanded free trial that This results in the game naturally capping framerate at 60 FPS, so running Windower/Config with FrameRateDivisor set to 0 lets me have that smooth 60 fps. I ran a benchmark and frame rates were 200-400fps. I also ran a fresh install of my The issue I'm seeing mostly in FFXI, but I think I see it elsewhere, is frame stuttering, the game will freeze visually for a moment, then catch up, but not crash or anything. Hi, Would anyone be able to tell me how to reverse the foreground and background resource usage for this game? When tabbed into the game I get 30 fps (regardless of settings) and when tabbed out I get 300 fps. High frame caps work as expected, however. If i set it at 60fps (refresh rate 1/2) it locks at 30fps 30 fps ---> 15 fps. I’ve checked a variety- spelunky, Skyrim, Don’t Starve, Fallout 4, Total War warhammer iii, etc- all get stuck at 60. Since the latest GeForce update, there is a scenario where Nvidia users can find themselves running at 12-20 FPS instead of their usual 80 or 100+ rates. A community for those with interest in Square Enix's original MMORPG, Final Fantasy XI (FFXI, FF11). at 30fps they expect 30 fps and moves 1/30 of the animation per if you drop to 20fps you still only move 1/30 per fream so now it takes 50% longer real world time to get through the entire naimation whne you lock you fps to 60 The game certainly struggles in populated areas, but 30-45 FPS on a 3070ti seems like a bit more than “struggling” to me. I This isn’t uncommon for graphically intensive games like FFXIV to stutter when not in full screen mode. Brand new computer, was running at 60 in most areas all month, all of a sudden capped at 30 no matter what settings i try (yes, i made sure 60 fps was checked in the settings). I saw the FPS counter shoot up to my normal 60+ fps. In the past, if there have been FPS issues it was usually tied to RAM bandwidth on my machine, but in this case it seems to be local to FFXIV. My frames were at a rock solid 60fps. FFXIV's latest expansion, Endwalker, is out now! Members Online • imperiects. Frequency: Constant Bug issue: Borderless window mode with lower or mid-range frame caps cause the graphics card to run too slowly and results in sub-20 FPS rates. it turns out discord hardware acceleration was causing it. For example: For some reason, the game has started locking itself to 30 fps when i play. With the DX9 client, I am able to play the game in fullscreen at 75 FPS. Looked everywhere online and cannot find a solution, would really like to play windowed borderless and not have my game seem choppy. I have changed the settings in the graphics area of the game to remove the framerate cap. Graphics Card: Nvidia GeForce GTX 3080 Steps: 1. Square Enix acknowledged in the past that they wanted to find a solution to the 60FPS cap limitation FFXIV has; let's remind them that most of us have at least a 120Hz monitor by now. I play at around 90-165 fps depending on content at 1440p. exe and check the "unlimited" option in game. 1M subscribers in the ffxiv community. What should be a smooth 144 or 120 fps experience on a 3080, 3090, becomes a 12-20 fps experience. If you are opposed and really want to play at 60fps, you can cap it there with RTSS and if your monitor has good freesync support it should be ok In NVIDIA control panel I have FFXIV doing the following: VSync On, triple buffering on, highest available refresh rate, 165 fps limit. I’m some games during the loading screens it will go up high fps but as soon as the game loads it drops to 45-60fp with occasional spikes up to 75 or so. The game can run at an eye melting 200+FPS if I so desired. Active for two decades, FFXI has over a dozen active servers, receives monthly updates, and is tied to Nexon's cancelled Final After upgrading both my motherboard and CPU with a fresh install of windows, my FFXIV performance has completely dropped. Have a look at your settings for DGvoodoo and make sure they are configured correctly. What else can I try to do? You should be able to go Open the FFXIV. A community for fans of the critically acclaimed MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV, with an expanded free trial that includes the entirety . Terraria is designed to run at 60 FPS. With the DX11 client, the Frame Rate Limit is set to 75 fps (Refresh Rate 1/1) but my FPS goes to a max of 60. The clock rate (speed, power) of the graphics card drops to next to nothing. Just stick this in the folder containing the game's . In FFXIV, lowering those graphical options won’t affect the overall quality of the game much while improving performance by almost 15 percent, so it’s worth the try. I'm running an i5 9400 with a GTX970 OCed at 1440p and with max settings would get around 45 FPS, turned ambient occlusion off and that alone brought me up into the roughly high 50s to mid 60s FPS range depending on location, the only downside is that some wall corners may seem a bit more noticeably bright since they The frame rate is directly tied to the animation speed so if it feels like its running in slow motion you could have accidently caped it to 15 fps or maybe your computer cant run the game constantly at 60 so it feels juddery jumping all over the place which deffintly happens when the fps is not fixed in this game - installing a dx8-9 wrapper like dgvoodoo or at0mos dx8-9 proxy so Max FPS are determined by the CPU. Relatively freshly build PC. I did manage to find a work around by uncapping the framerate entirely, but I like it locked to 60 for this game. After restarting my computer it usually is fine, though sometimes I need to restart it a few times. I tried it by unchecking the "Limit FPS on inactive window" and clicking on another window on my other monitor. I play borderless but my computer can easily handle this game in borderless and has had a consistent 144 until I logged on today. Most people are OK playing at this frame rate, even if it’s not perfect. Problem description: When I play the I got a new CPU and motherboard in my PC recently and have been having an issue with FFXIV and only FFXIV. In some locations. According to several tests, I could only cap fps when playing at full screen mode with in-game fps cap function. If you are using windower to uncap your fps make sure to turn off shadows because [Quick Recap]:Settings with the biggest impact from highest to smallest:1. While the game allows us to remove the FPS cap it removes cloth, earrings, ears, and other natural in-game physics, which looks really bad visually when most games today achieve The command line is //config FrameRateDivisior 1 to undo it's //config FrameRateDivisor 2 (Thats back to 30) and to uncap its //config FrameRateDivisor 3 FFXIV's latest expansion, Endwalker, is out now! Members Online • Daggerdinger. It affects casting on whm too as i play it a lot. Bottom line is that if your CPU (and ram, SSD, windows version, drivers, bios and game patches) are different, then you won't get the same FPS with the ones you see on YouTube. 30-45 FPS: Playable. The monitor refresh rate is properly set in the system. [+] soulblade. I solved this while I was writing this thread, but I will post it anyways in case this helps someone else. e. When I start FFXIV, it will be stuck at about 15-20 FPS. FFXIV's latest expansion, Endwalker, is out now! Members Online • SgtEngee So I see there were some threads from 8 months to years ago with people having problems getting their games to run at 60 FPS. 1. I run OBS at 60 fps, sometimes 30 when I'm running a more demanding game. Can even break the game by just having 0-1 frames on low pcs. My components are as follows; Intel i5-9400F @ 2. I'm not sure as to how I'm supposed to check if any of my hardware is bottlenecking my fps, but to me it seems like my laptop shouldn't have any problems running the game at a consistent 60 fps, barring limsa and alliance raids with all battle effects turned on. However that post is more geared to make FFXI look beautiful. How good they are presented visually is determined by the GPU. For raiding high refreshrate feels amazing imo, cant really go back to 60. FFXIV's latest expansion, Endwalker, is out now! I normally play at 144 fps but on a few occaisons it got stuck in the 50s. Each match features 60 players battling it out on Before the DX11 client was released, I was able to keep the game running at 60 FPS. The problem is, i get a very unstable FPS while playing, the average FPS is between 50 - 60, and it's rarely stable at 60, it's even dropped to 30 - 40 sometimes. All consoles are capped at 60, but they will not run at a consistent 60. I also checked total war three kingdoms but it somehow only managed around 70fps but it unlocking the FPS cap in-game and instead using the Nvidia control panel to lock it at 60 FPS, which does appear to make it run smoother but only for however long before the FPS drops again I've been looking at GPU usage via Task Magsilent said: Hello, i just recently played this FFXIV Game, i have some problem that i'd like to ask. I am using dgvoodoo and reshade as well, able to maintain near constant 60 fps, even in 4k with weather effects on, shadows on high, no effects turned off, etc. Works well with Nikke,Elden ring,Emus,etc and is a blessing This article will give some details on how to improve FPS in FFXIV by changing some of the settings from in-game. When you set in Final Fantasy XIV settings: 144 fps (refresh rate 1/1), because of the Desktop Window Manager it will be in fact Refresh Rate 1/1 = 60. Recast is very slooopyy on 60 fps and under Hi all, I purchased a gaming laptop in March this year and it's been running FFXIV at around 120-135FPS with all graphics up maximum, with absolutely no problem, however; for some reason the last few days it's suddenly just started sticking at 9-11 FPS and a GPU clock speed of about 220 - 240 making the game completely unplayable! Can break outta bounds with above 90 fps. You could also just set it to 60 FPS, my reason for setting at 65 is because in laggy areas it causes the frame dips to not be as low as when the game is normally locked at the 57-59 FPS. Despite the Final Fantasy XVI performance mode not being able to always keep a steady 60 frames per second framerate during exploration, this doesn't mean that things won't be improved after launch, as Hiroshi Takai did say that they might address the issue in future patches. PS4 Pro has an option for lower res to be at 60, or higher at 30. But sit in one area and view the in game fps from the settings menu Hello! I try ffxiv on my new laptop who have : Nvidia RTX 2060 SSD 512 go 8go ram AMD Ryzen 5 3550H Quad Core 2. I don’t have V-sync in any driver software on, and nothing else was changed. In the <Display Settings> section there is a line for refresh rate set to 60. I think, but am not sure, that reduce FPS while minimized is also a key factor. It's not fluctuating either it's just actually capped at 60 even if I have frame rate uncapped or at 144 fps. Something happened to WoW lately where it randomly drops ur frames half ur refresh rate when using The last few days, for some reason, I've been randomly getting locked to 30fps without any apparent reasons. However, when using this option in Heavensward areas (Frontlines, Falcon's FFXIV's latest expansion, Endwalker, is out now! Members Online • If you're not opposed to using addons, get XIVlauncher and use the high fps physics fix plugin to set the physics fps to 60. I can't get Time Spy to go >60 FPS killing my GPU score (it's capped at 60, just runs solid 60 through the entire test). Don’t even bother. Let the nVidia driver handle this part (either by using vSync or FastSync, or G-Sync if you have it). 15) UI Settings. It’s also possible to Good day, My FPS cap in game is stuck at 60 FPS even if I uncheck to none. For 60 FPS, go to your Windower 4 folder, addons - config and change the frame cap to uncapped or 60. I can run other games at 144hz no problem with borderless Square Enix acknowledged in the past that they wanted to find a solution to the 60FPS cap limitation FFXIV has; let's remind them that most of us have at least a 120Hz monitor by now. I currently use a LG 29UM67-P. I know it might seem silly to make a fuss over one frame loss, but it kind of bugs me. still it feels like 60 hertz in borderless, but on fullscreen 144hertz Just installed rx6750xt and games are stuck at or around 60fps. ADMIN MOD Benchmark fps cap @ 60 [Question] I have been messing around with the benchmark for shadowbringers and seem to be having issues. Screen-Space Ambient Occulsio Hello! I may have missed something, but my issue is as the title says. Disable the framerate limit ingame in the screen settings. Use low-models on distant objects (LOD) [8~10 FPS]2. for some reason its halfing the refresh rate taht it should be at. The full Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers patch notes are now available, detailing every little change coming to the game alongside the new expansion. 59 and 61 is a margin of error in the counting or a very slight fluctuation in frequency on your monitor refresh Just a quick bit of troubleshooting: go to System Configuration > Display Settings and scroll all the way to the bottom and double check what you have "Frame Rate Limit" set to. In my old laptop gaming with RTX 3060, i can easily reach 90-100 fps. 90GHz GeForce GTX 1660 6GB TUF B365M-PLUS (LGA1151) Motherboard My latest log is also My Lenovo legion 7 6th gen I would in November 2022 I capped at 60 fps no matter what games I play, I've tried to reinstall the graphics drivers , turned off v-sync, turned on fps limit to 1000, 165hz, Ive got a rtx 3070 Ryzen 5800 32 gb of ram and 2 tb storage, it just started happening today , there might be a few cause but I suspect it's when my battery was really low and I Try turning down the ambient occlusion setting. It happens at all random times sometimes I am in dungeons, raid, eureka or just sitting in a main city. Change that line to whatever refresh suits your monitor. Hi Ever since a week ago my frame limiter has stopped working correctly on borderless and windowed modes in dx11 For example locking it to 60 in 120hz locks it to 40 Or in 144hz if i lock it to 72 it locks it to 47 instead This is only ocurring on ffxiv and no other games and I have tried reinstalling drivers, reinstalling ffxiv, and resetting windows and no dice Stuck with Hey, guys! I just bought the Lenovo Legion 5 Pro, and I'm enjoying it quite much, however, for some reason today all my games capped at 60 fps and I can't seem to get it over that despite trying to turn all syncs off and made sure numerous times my refresh rate is at 165 Hz per windows, it also looks like it should look at 165 when out of any game i. I've checked the ingame options, and my GPU's as well, and everything seems to be as it should. I capped my frames at 60 with riva tuner with vsync in-game, and in nvidia control panel turned off. I don't have this problem in DX9 mode. I have 2 other Logged on today and my framerate is capped at 60 for no reason and looks worse that 60. The sudden changes changes back and forth within the frame rate menu also causes the server to have issues keeping track. However, most of what I cast is FFXIV and some occasional Valorant- so I'm not really seeing why I should be stuttering so severely. For this bug to occur, you also need to be using a frame rate cap of some sort. Thankfully, there's already a tool to uncap the frame rate. Also overlays like FRAPS and ACT can interfere as well I believe. Even when I observe that my memory is at 39-40% it does not seem to increase frame rate (while running the game at typical 30-60 FPS memory usage is around 45-48%). . I'm running current NVIDIA drivers, running windower, config at 60 FPS, etc. All the NVIDIA control panel such as : turn off V-Sync, turn off the max frame rate, go to the game in program and set fps to highest possible, make sure im using the dGPU FFXIV's latest expansion, Endwalker, is out now! When I switch to borderless windowed it seems to run at 60 hz, even though my fps is still 144. cfg file with notepad. If I select Windowed, my FPS will go back up to 75. If you did buy a high refresh rate panel, chances are, it's set to 60Hz in the display settings of Windows as a safe default A community for fans of the critically acclaimed MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV, with an expanded free trial that includes the entirety of A Realm Reborn and the award-winning Heavensward and Stormblood expansions up to level 70 with no restrictions on playtime. Hi I'm not sure if this is the right place to post, but recently started playing FFXIV again and after many graphics adjustments, I can only reach a maximum of 90-110 FPS. This is what I'm running it under: Windows 8. No \ key is used in any of this. I know it causes frame drops but it shouldn't be causing massive stuttering even when capped to 60 fps. 20-30 FPS: Borderline. In my old laptop gaming with RTX 3060, i can easily reach 90-100 fps What i already tried to do. Enable in game vsync, disable triple buffering, but change nvcp WoW program setting > use 3d application setting, just remember to cap ur frames 3 fps below ur max refresh rate so it doesnt actually engage vsync but even out the frametime for freesync. Is 20 fps unplayable? We classify frame rates as follows: Sub-20 FPS: Unplayable. That’s on Sony. also, yeah, the procesor always reach 90*c on this game. (My monitor is capable to 144hz). Date & Time: Jan 18th to present. But since I don't need constant After one year of testing I found the correct settings to run FFXIV at 144hz with a frame rate cap of 60fps. A community for fans of the critically acclaimed MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV, with an expanded free trial that This will give you 60 FPS. I tried to re Also if you use a manually enabled v-sync that will lock the fps to 60 in most cases. By soulblade 2020-02-26 lossless scaling on Steam is a few bucks and can be used on non-steam games. Then it will be fine for the rest of the day, even if I close the game and get back on the game later. I have gone through all the settings and found nothing I use a 120hz monitor. I use that program and set the cap at 65 FPS for FFXI. Removing the limit doesn't help. This situation exists with running borderless window mode. I don't remember the exact fix. Try turning off Vsync in your graphics card settings and check that the game isn't limiting the fps (which you can find in the system config). When using the 60fps option, frames are limited to 60fps in ARR zones. So when I start up my computer for the first time each day I have been having an issue for the past week. After restarting my computer it usually is fine, though sometimes I need to restart it a few FFXIV's latest expansion, Endwalker, is out now! 60 fps -> none -> 60 fps Reply reply FFXIV, once I get into game, I need to open task manager (ctrl-alt-del) to get my FPS to go back to max, otherwise I am stuck at 20 or so FPS with a GTX970 4GB and 16GB of RAM. 1 GHz 1080x1920 at 120 hz (it's an Asus TUF Gaming 565DV-AL037T) I doesn't dowload ffxiv, I just copy my game from my desktop. As we all know the game's physics stiffing up and lose fidelity at higher fps than 60. ryokhqdricjbiakdvoeuwbiytmkrtgmzecwuznphjtztsxylmnexwuwvsplkhmgskuxjkbmodt