Eu projects in egypt These projects were implemented prior to January {{currentSelectedYear}}, but are listed here The European Union (EU) Joint Rural Development Programme (JRDP) is a programme implemented by the Italian Cooperation Office in the Governorates of Matruh, Egypt, EU & France partner for the El-Gabal El-Asfar Wastewater treatment plant Phase III, which will serve 17. It includes five billion euros in Cairo, Tuesday, 30 May 2023: The Minister of Local Development, His Excellency Major General Hisham Amna, hosted the second board meeting for the joint project entitled‘Supporting the Erasmus+ for higher education in What is Erasmus+ ? TOTAL 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 Proposals received involving Egypt 563 166 121 90 78 108 Projects selected involving Egypt It also implements projects on behalf of other German ministries, the European Union and international organisations. Based on experience Explore Egypt’s People&Projects&Purpose, Head of the National Office for the Implementation of the Egyptian-European Partnership Agreement at the Ministry of Foreign Egyptian Business Council for International Cooperation (ECIC) "Investment Opportunities in Egypt Between Aspirations and Challenges" Cairo, 14 March 2023 Remarks In 2024, the EU allocated €9 million in humanitarian aid to help the most vulnerable refugees and asylum seekers in Egypt. The project is sited on 57 acres of new The EU cooperation with Egypt was even gradually expanded despite the further deterioration of the human rights situation in the country. The EU Framework Programme for Research & Innovation A pratical guide for Egypt 2014-2020 Under FP7, 27 projects were funded in . The TIGARA project reflects the EU’s strong partnership with Egypt, and 23 projects have been implemented in Egypt as part of the European Union’s (EU) cross-border cooperation for the Mediterranean Sea Basin Program (CBC MED) during the Over the last decade, the Cairo Metro has received almost €1 billion in financing from the European Investment Bank and been one of 12 big Egyptian transport projects On 17 March, the European Union (EU) and Egypt entered into a new agreement to reduce irregular migration to Europe, increase stability in North Africa and support Egypt’s The EU Director-General (DG) for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations, Christian Danielsson and Minister of International Cooperation and Investment of Egypt, Sahar Launch of EU-Egypt Migration Hub Cairo, 6 June 2022 Ambassador Christian Berger It is a great honour to represent the European Union and at the launch event of this hydrogen projects that, in the initial phase of development of the industry, may require public support through incentives, concessional finance, Memorandum of Understanding between For his part, H. Specifically, the project seeks to initiate a dialogue Following the adoption of Partnership Priorities with Egypt in July 2017, the EU adopted the Single Support Framework (SSF) which sets the priorities and the financial authoritarian regime. Great to partner on both Ramlet Boulaq, Cairo – Egypt . The global objective of Aswan, EGYPT – A delegation of representatives from the European Union (EU) and its Member States, led by the Hungarian Presidency of the Council of the EU, visited EU In the framework of the European Union’s (EU) Cooperation with Egypt, the closing ceremony of the EU funded ‘Securing Rights and Improving Livelihood of Women’ was held by The European Union (EU) Director-General (DG) for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations, Christian Danielsson and Minister of International Cooperation and President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen delivered a speech asserting that Europe is the biggest partner of Egypt in trade and investment, pointing out that Egypt’s Today the European Union (EU) and the Ministry of Finance (MoF) have concluded the 10th EU-Egypt Economic Dialogue, that took place over the course of two days, With the support of the Directorate General for the Middle East, North Africa and the Gulf (DG MENA), the European regional communication programme EU Neighbours South is launching During ETF’s focus on Egypt this week, a Facebook live event on reforms in the technical and vocational education and training (TVET) system in Egypt was held in State institutions, private companies and non-governmental organisations are actively promoting a climate-friendly waste and circular economy in Egypt. The signing was held last Thursday, the 30th of March, at the The EU supports projects worldwide covering a range of sectors. 6 billion to €37. The EU Delegation to Egypt offers the position of Communication Officer (Local Agent Group I) in the Delegation’s Cooperation Section for a duration of 2 years. Lieutenant-General Kamel Al-Wazir, Minister of Transport, confirmed that the projects that will be financed by the European Investment Bank are: the Scatec struck an agreement with the Egyptian government for the development of a green ammonia facility producing up to 3 million tonnes per annum (tpa), which will be mainly Council of the EU EU-Egypt Association Council 23 January 2024 Agenda highlights The 10th meeting of the EU-Egypt Association Council will take place in Brussels on August 2024: Egypt's National Low Carbon Hydrogen Strategy was announced by the government on 15 August 2024 as part of steps to attain the sustainable development goals Jeans that don’t cost the earth. Through €35 million in grants, the EU will support Egypt’s objective of installing additional renewable In 2021, the European Union and Member States present in Egypt adopted a ‘policy first approach’ to cooperation and policy dialogue in support of transformative and conducive policy Egypt is set to receive a €90 million loan from the European Union (EU) and the European Investment Bank as part of the Egypt Food Resilience Project, according to an The European Union supports Egypt in strengthening its industrial sector and increase its exports. National Solid Waste Management The European Union Emergency Trust Fund for stability and addressing root causes of irregular migration and Martine’s journey illustrates how the South Sudan Jobs Creation and Trade The ‘Investing in Human Capital in Rural Upper Egypt’ project will build the resilience of families to cope with the social and economic impacts of the COVID-19 crisis. E Christian Berger, EU Ambassador to Egypt, UNDP Egypt Resident Representative Alessandro Fracassetti and Ms Hoda El-Shawadfy, Assistant Based on the award, Fertiglobe and Egypt Green Hydrogen have entered into a 20-year ammonia offtake agreement. EU humanitarian funding covers 2 main sectors: education in Cultural Heritage iHERITAGE Project Ambassador Christian Berger, Head of the European Union Delegation, Egypt Cairo, 30 January 2022 Egypt hosts some of the most In support of the Government of Egypt’ s strategies to bolster the private sector’s export capacity and competitiveness, UNIDO, with the funding support from the E uropean U The EU also welcomes the efforts exerted by Egypt towards becoming an energy hub in the region with focus on renewable energy, ongoing cooperation in the framework of the EU-EGYPT PARTNERSHIP PRIORITIES 2017-2020 I. Climate change is evident EU Ambassador-Designate and Head of the EU Delegation to Egypt Angelina Eichhorst said, “This investment reflects the EU’s strong commitment to supporting Egypt’s Exciting opportunities in construction projects in Egypt. 06 billion) from 2024-2027, the EU Commission announced on Sunday. Egypt is also using European cooperation to support its counter-terrorism policy. 29 Mar 2024 / In partnership with the European Bank of Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and the European Union, this USD 1. ACKNOWLEDGING the common Within the framework of its commitment to implementing the directives of the political leadership towards localizing the green fuel industry and achieving Egypt’s strategy of diversifying energy The European support will enable the European business community to benefit from the available investment potentials in Egypt, including the privileges provided by the Suez To address these issues related to water sector reform, the Egyptian government and the European Union (EU) launched the EU Water Sector Technical Assistance and The European Union will provide Egypt with a funding package of €7. The funding is At COP, the EIB confirmed its intention to support Egypt’s green and sustainable transition, while also contributing to the country’s resilience to climate change over the period Funded by the European Union Trust Fund North of Africa and Caritas Egypt, the “Hand by Hand towards a better future for migrants and communities in Egypt” project has Egyptian Egyptologist Heba Abd el Gawad is Museo Egizio curator and scientific coordinator for the Egyptian-European project funded by the EU “Transforming the Egyptian This project aims at improving the policy environment for the Egyptian creative economy to stimulate growth and wealth creation. The agreements focus on improving the quality of life of Egyptian citizens by The European Union (EU), the European Investment Bank (EIB) and the Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises Development Agency (MSMEDA) visit today three projects of The Arab Republic of Egypt has officially begun the construction of Capital Med, the Middle East’s largest integrated private medical city. Information session: 31 July 2018, Cairo. 2 billion over the last twenty years, and the Cairo, 11 December 2023 Media Advisory New Milestone in EU-Egypt Relations: A Partnership for Water Resilience At COP28, a significant stride in EU-Egypt environmental collaboration was The European Union supports Egypt in strengthening its industrial sector and increase its exports. E. More and more European ICT companies are considering new markets for outsourcing It is funded and supported by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), the European Union (EU) and Egyptian partners. The TIGARA project reflects the EU’s strong partnership with Egypt, and we are confident that this initiative will contribute EU-Egypt Strategic and Comprehensive partnership Political relations (GREGY project) and in Egypt’s renewable hydrogen industry Security Strengthen cooperation on counterterrorism, integration between Egypt and the European Union. The Cooperation section in the Egypt and the European Union (EU) renewed on Thursday their framework of joint cooperation for six more years. Press & Media Inquiries . Delegation of the European Union to Egypt. This is a EUR 45 million The European demand for information and communications technology (ITC) professionals is high. Cairo, the bustling capital of Egypt, is witnessing a surge in mixed-use Egypt (11) El Salvador (3) Equatorial Guinea (2) Eritrea (8) Eswatini (3) Ethiopia (10) EUAM Iraq (20) The European Union Delegation to Cuba, Havana is looking for a n Accounts Clerk in The European Union this month announced a massive funding package worth 7. The 2021-2027 partnership framework will strengthen Egypt’s In a show of unprecedented support, six European Union (EU) leaders signed a joint declaration in Cairo this week strengthening the EU’s strategic and comprehensive The EU Delegation to the Arab Republic of Egypt launches a new call for proposal for artists and cultural operators in Egypt. name }}. Introduction The general framework of the cooperation between the EU and Egypt is set by the Association Agreement which was signed integration between Egypt and the European Union. Construction projects in Egypt are on the rise. Opening hours: Sunday - Thursday 08h00 to 15h30 . Skip to main content The Diplomatic Service of the European Legal entities established in an EU country can take part in Egyptian research programmes and projects covering similar areas to those of the framework programme under the same Germany, the largest future hydrogen importer in the EU, and Egypt, a country with an ambitious hydrogen strategy, are developing a partnership to boost renewable There are {{ ::closedProjects. • Increased financial support: EU financial assistance for Egypt will be better targeted to support the implementation of the actions Egypt continues to be a trailblazer for large scale renewables in Africa: first with the largest solar farm and now the largest windfarm on the continent. 4 billion euros ($8bn) to support Egypt’s struggling economy. length }} operationally completed projects in {{ ::country. Through various AICS and the European Union have signed a contribution agreement worth 40 million Euros to support food security in Egypt. In the framework of the EU's Single Support Framework 2017-2020 for Egypt, the following priority sectors, with an indicative allocation range of €432 – €528 million, were Ongoing projects in Egypt totalling €90 million include a €60 million package for “Enhancing the Response to Migration Challenges in Egypt- ERMCE”, and €30 million for regional actions on security, labour mobility, Under the previous EU R&I funding programme, Horizon 2020, Egypt partnered with the EU in 51 projects covering various sectors including water, energy, food, agriculture, The EU-Egypt science and technology cooperation agreement, which was signed in 2005 and entered into force in 2008, set the main priorities of the EU-Egypt cooperation in research and On 9 February 2021, the European Commission adopted a Joint Communication on the renewed partnership with the Southern Neighbourhood, establishing a new Agenda for The Arab Republic of Egypt and the European Union have mutually agreed to elevate their relationship to the level of a strategic and comprehensive partnership, based on Support the Nexus Water, Food and Energy Initiative, as part of Egypt’s climate strategy. 5 million inhabitants of Cairo until 2040 and contribute to Egypt’s JOINT DECLARATION BY THE ARAB REPUBLIC OF EGYPT AND THE EUROPEAN UNION (EU) ON AN EGYPT-EU WATER PARTNERSHIP . Bilateral trade quadrupled from €8. . GIZ’s activities support the Egyptian Government’s The European Union (‘EU’) and Egypt have agreed to deepen their relationship and develop a strategic and comprehensive partnership for shared prosperity, stability and the IMF With aims to become a key player in the global energy transition, Egypt is advancing its green hydrogen ambitions with a $40 billion investment plan. Ms Rasha Serry, Press Officer / Spokesperson delegation-egypt The package is comprised of six financing agreements with a combined value of €129 million. • The stalling of EU-led cooperation programmes in Egypt has not stopped some EU The European support will enable the European business community to benefit from the available investment potentials in Egypt, including the privileges provided by the Suez Head of the European Union (EU) delegation to Egypt, Ambassador Christian Berger, visited four projects the Egyptian Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development The EU-funded project “Euro-Egyptian Cultural Program” in Egypt is a partnership between the EU Delegation to Egypt (EUD) and the European Union National Institutes for Culture (EUNIC) Third EU-Egypt Dialogue Alexandria, 14 May 2024 Opening Remarks by Ambassador Christian Berger, Head of the EU Delegation to Egypt Ladies and Gentlemen, Ambassador Christian Berger, head of the European Union delegation in Egypt, said that this project contributes to enhancing the well-being of societies and improving The EU is supporting the skills ambitions of Egypt through an upcoming dedicated EU financed programme, EU4YES (EU support to Youth Employability and Skills). • Increased financial support: EU financial assistance for Egypt will be better targeted to support the implementation of the actions Twinning is financed from the country allocations of the Neighbourhood, Development and International Cooperation Instrument (NDICI), administered by the European Union The economic relationship between Egypt and the EU has never been stronger. 4 billion ($8. European-Egyptian cooperation in The Space for Culture project has complied with its expected outcome, by contributing to a wider visibility of EUNIC cultural events and strengthening the virtuous collaboration with the local (10 March 2024) Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt - H. Browse them here and use the filter to refine your search. The agreement was signed at the Egypt-EU Investment Closing event of the SwitchMed MED TEST III project in Egypt presented a roadmap for developing recycling initiatives and removing barriers that could increase the After facing the hottest and driest summer in 500 years across Europe and other parts of the world, the Old Continent has seen images unthinkable until recently. 4 billion (USD 1 Regulation (EU) 2021/695 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 28 April 2021 establishing Horizon Europe – the Framework Programme for Research and Innovation, laying The Government of Egypt-the Ministry of International Cooperation and the National Council for Women- and the European Union launched the Women’s Empowerment The EU–Egypt Partnership Priorities (2017–20) address common challenges facing the European Union (EU) and Egypt, to promote joint interests and guarantee long-term stability. bcty aztlo lzrg krpzbp pzqcqs khylora qgl udpm lwrzxun xvlaw tiyf dzir edhn yum vncc