Comptroller office dallas Learn about the role and services offered by the comptroller's property tax assistance division. CST, and may be contacted by phone, email and TDD equipment. Dodaro leads GAO and helps oversee the hundreds of reports and You should immediately contact the Comptroller's Enforcement Division by visiting your local Comptroller's field office or calling 800-252-8880. Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts acts as a tax collector, chief accountant, chief revenue 400 S Zang Blvd Ste 900. Gene L. Glenn Hegar. 600 Commerce St Dallas, TX 75202 (214) 712-3410 ( 0 Check out the Comptroller’s online application for detailed payment information. Required Applications: The entity has not completed a franchise tax accountability questionnaire with the Comptroller. Use the linked map below to see details about each U. Odessa CONTACT OUR OFFICE. SW Washington, D. Dallas Police Department - Northwest Patrol Division. office. C. gov. Find helpful tax information: including applications, forms, publications, rules, statutes, and much more. Lubbock 806-794-4012. TeleFile. Birth Accounts Payable includes what is currently at the Illinois Office of Comptroller and the estimated $544 million with state agencies. Check with your local tax collection office for the payment options that might be available, such as: Comptroller's Handbook; Corporate Application Search; Enforcement Action Search; Financial Institution Lists; Newsroom; D. If your address has changed, please update your account. Currently we are offering virtual Taxpayer Seminars conducted via Webex Webinars. state or Canadian province are required to file a consolidated report of motor fuels taxes (e. Press Center; Contact Us; Inspector General Controller's Office. Be sure to have your 11-digit Taxpayer ID number available. Fort Worth 817-377-8855. United States Government Dept of Justice Antitrust Division Dallas Field Office. Physical Address: 1711 San Jacinto Boulevard Austin, Texas 78701. Calendar of Events; Career Opportunites; Cities in Dallas County; County Holidays; Dallas, TX 75202 Telephone: (214) 653-7811 • Fax: (214) 653-7888 Se Habla Español. Starting a New Business? We can help! Apply for a tax permit. To satisfy all requirements to reinstate your entity, first submit these items to the Comptroller’s office. Find your form. Weekend Holidays The final research reports and data are publicly accessible, and used by natural resources managers, local governments, businesses and scientists. 8 To determine the amount of property taxes necessary to fund The Comptroller of Public Accounts in Dallas, TX is a government agency responsible for managing and overseeing the financial affairs of the state. Franchise 3rd Party Providers. The Payroll Division is responsible for managing the payroll function for all City of Dallas employees. texas. Print and mail or return them to one of our offices. The 2024 regional reports utilize sources from JobsEQ, REMI, Texas A&M Real Estate Center, Texas Department of Transportation, U. Issued by the Comptroller's office (11 digits, no dashes) Comptroller’s File Number. TX State Comptroller Field Ofc. For locations, dates and times, visit the Taxpayer Seminars webpage. The City of Dallas utilizes Bonfire as its electronic procurement platform. State of Texas Rehabilitation Services. Learn about the wide array of programs our agency administers. Please click on any of the topics below for FAQ's. gov; Texas Records and Information Locator (TRAIL) State Link Policy; Texas Veterans Portal The Office of the State Comptroller does not warrant, promise, assure or guarantee the accuracy of the translations provided. 1, 2025, the Comptroller of Public Accounts employed 2,882 people. Skip navigation Menu. Not Taxpayer Number, ex: 00-12345678 For security purposes, please respond to the statements listed below: New Business Information Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts Created Date: 3/4/2016 9:42:42 AM . 18,659. Home; Accounts Payable; Deferred Compensation; Financial Compliance & Monitoring; Financial Reporting; Hotel Occupancy Taxes; Payroll; Property Taxes; Treasury; Dallas City Hall 1500 Marilla St. In person: Open Records Section 111 East 17th Street LBJ State Office Bldg. President@untdallas. 531. News and Announcements The Texas Comptroller's office offers Sales and Use Tax Seminars across the state throughout the year. They include graphics, fillable form fields, scripts and functionality that work best with the free Adobe Reader. Zip Code: Enter the zipcode for the mailing address. gov Office Locations. Watch our video tutorials for Webfile. The Metroplex region includes four of these county-based districts, with offices in Dallas Financial Reporting February 19, 2025 Comptroller files Fiscal Year 2024 Statutory Basis Financial Report. gov; Texas Records and Information Locator (TRAIL) State Link Policy; Texas Veterans Portal Note: Monthly sales tax reports are due on the 20th of each month. Close. 10056 Marsh Ln Ste 160, Dallas, TX 75229. Franchise Tax Notices – February 2025 Form 05-213, Texas Notice of Forfeiture of Registration. Agency Information. 1400 Texas law requires that the Comptroller's office provide this public information, which includes a permittee's telephone number. If the 20th falls on a weekend or holiday, the due date is the next business day. 310 Austin, Texas 78701 . edu . Room 2BS Dallas, Texas 75201 Phone: (214) 670-3536 Controller's Office Contacts Accounts Payable CODAccountsPayable@dallas. Dallas, TX 75208. Most questions about property appraisal or property tax should be addressed to your county's appraisal district or tax assessor-collector. For help with Webfile, watch our video tutorials. 9801 Harry Hines Blvd The Comptroller’s office is at your service. View Full Map | View Locations List. We also offer many online services The Comptroller's office is open to the public Monday through Friday, 8 a. O. gov; Texas Records and Information Locator (TRAIL) State Link Policy; Texas Veterans Portal The Texas Comptroller's most commonly used web browsers are Microsoft Internet Explorer, Google Chrome and Firefox. Offices are closed on national holidays and may be closed or partially-staffed on state holidays. Please view the link for more information as they have modified their office hours. 5441. Stay informed as we add new reports & testimonies. Online Convenience Fees are charged and collected by the Card Welcome to the Office of the County Clerk for Dallas County Records Building - 500 Elm Street, Suite 2100, Dallas, TX 75202 Hours: 8:00 a. Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts. The Payroll Division processes employees' pay, monitors time entries, files The Texas Comptroller's office serves the state by collecting, processing, administering, or overseeing 100 separate taxes, fees, assessments, and program applications, including local sales taxes collected on behalf of more than 1,700 Texas cities, counties, and other local governments. Box 13528, Capitol Station Austin, Texas 78711-3528 The reports cannot be filed through the Comptroller’s office or the Texas Secretary of State, and do not serve as a substitute for PIRs or OIRs. Houston 713-426-8200. CONTACT INFO. Mailing Address: Comptroller of Public Accounts ATTN: Accounts Receivable The Texas Comptroller’s office offers sales and use tax seminars across the state throughout the year. The Controller's Office ensures the integrity of the City's accounting and payroll systems, and provides financial, management, and accounting services support. Assistant Director/Treasury Jenny Kerzman, CTP Draft a Budget. Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts Enforcement is located at 1250 W Mockingbird Ln Ste 250 in Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts is located at 400 S Zang Blvd #900 in Dallas, Texas 75208. For a listing of current Acting Comptroller; Leadership; Organization; Locations; History; Careers at OCC; What We Do; Annual Report; should be directed to the OCC licensing office where the national bank or federal savings association is The Texas Comptroller's most commonly used web browsers are Microsoft Internet Explorer, Google Chrome and Firefox. OTHER STATE SITES. And we have 54 field offices located throughout the nation. Controller's Office. Box 13528 Austin, Texas 78711-3528 . University of Texas at Dallas: 739: Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center: 742: University of Texas of the Permian Basin: 743: Comptroller – State Energy Conservation Office: 908: Comptroller – Texas Bullion Depository: 909: Comptroller – Texas Broadband Development Office: 930: The State Comptroller office is located at 10010 San Pedro Avenue Suite 410 San Antonio, Texas 78216. Events | OCC - OCC. (You should always double-check the availability of funds with your financial institution. Public Information Act formerly known as the Open Records Act, see our agency frequently asked questions about when our office should withhold records from the public. , Monday - Friday (except for court approved holidays ) Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts is located at 400 S Zang Blvd #900 in Dallas, Texas 75208. Texas Comptroller Criminal Investigations Division Field Offices. 7 To assist the taxing unit in this process, the chief appraiser prepares and certifies an estimate of the taxable value of property in that taxing unit to the tax assessor by April 30 (unless the date falls on a weekend or holiday). Learn More. As of Feb. Irving Police Department-North Station. $1,995,427,725. FEDERAL PRIVACY ACT - Disclosure of your The Comptroller's Taxpayer Bill of Rights includes the right to request a waiver of penalties. can be contacted via phone at for pricing, hours and directions. Glenn Hegar Did the liability for which you are requesting a waiver result in the Comptroller's office freezing your bank account or seizing the assets of your business? Statewide Snapshot. 338. From the website: Comptroller personnel are available to assist the public at our main office in Resources; Texas Comptroller’s Office. For more information on BOI Reports go to the Treasury Department’s website. Civic Center Comptroller office should be convenient and accessible for public but look like no one care. Check out our returnship opportunities on the statewide CAPPS Recruit job listing resource. Step 2. The comptroller s office field officials accepts tax returns and payments, assists with tax permit applications and returns, and process requests for permits, licenses and decals. Resources; Texas Comptroller’s Office. The department consists of Glenn Hegar was elected as Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts — the states chief financial officer — in November 2014. Ames is a Professional County Assessor-Collector (PCAC) and a Certified Tax Administrator (CTA). First Name Last Name Title Support Staff Address/Phone; Troy: Thornton: MCBS Deputy Comptroller for Community Bank Supervision, South and Southeast Regions: Secretary to the Deputy Comptroller: Renee Mays: 500 North Akard Street, Suite 1600 Dallas, TX 75201 (214) 720-0656: Matt Mailing Address Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts P. They can be reached at (210) 342-2300 or toll-free at (800) 252-5555. Language. These are people and businesses that have either failed to request or for whom the city may have incomplete or inaccurate information so that the city may connect them with money that is owed to them. Franchise Tax Involuntarily Ended Issued by the Comptroller's office (11 digits, no dashes) Comptroller’s File Number. Contact us by phone or e-mail, or visit one of our 30 field offices. g. Bureau of Economic Analysis, U. Leadership. Property Tax FAQ’s Pamphlet. gov Events The Office of the Comptroller (OTC) consists of three core divisions: Fiscal Operations, Grants Administration, and Treasury Services. Forms for collecting and reporting Texas sales and use tax TX State Comptroller Field Ofc. Visit our Due Date Calendar for due dates on all Texas taxes. org, see our Frequently Asked Questions, or call our Customer Care Center at 214. Download Printable Snapshot (PDF). First Name Last Name Title Support Staff Address/Phone; Troy: Thornton: MCBS Deputy Comptroller for Community Bank Supervision, South and Southeast Regions: Secretary to the Deputy Comptroller: Renee Mays: 500 North Akard Street, Suite 1600 Dallas, TX 75201 (214) 720-0656: Matt Comptroller's Handbook; Corporate Application Search; Enforcement Action Search; Financial Institution Lists; Newsroom; D. Workweek and hours may be Comptroller of Public Accounts P. m. Search and obtain online verification of nonprofit and other types of organizations that hold state tax exemption from:Sales and Use Tax, Franchise Tax, or Hotel Occupancy Tax The Affidavit of Heirship form is provided by the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts. Learn more about TeleFile. If you have questions about Dallas County Property Taxes, please contact propertytax@dallascounty. Ames is the Dallas County Tax Assessor/Collector. ; Visit our Virtual Field Office. Steps 1 and 2 must be completed before continuing to Step 3. +1 (972) 888-5300. Check your local office for days and hours of operation. No matter what the work or the location, we're constantly searching for and implementing innovative solutions that serve Texas taxpayers. Room 2BS Dallas, Texas 75201 Phone: (214) 670-3536 Controller's Office The Controller's Office ensures the integrity of the City's accounting and payroll systems, and provides financial, management, and accounting services support. Dodaro is the eighth Comptroller General of the United States and head of GAO. Vouchers Pending. About The Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts (CPA) is headquartered just steps away from the Texas Capitol in downtown Austin. Office Holder Phone / Fax; Deputy Comptroller/Chief Clerk & Chief of Staff: Lisa Craven (512) 463-4444: Scheduler/Executive Assistant to the Comptroller: Kim Buzard Dallas 75247 972/792-5800 2H53 Dallas SW Enforcement Susan 2655 Villa Creek Dr Ste 270. Step 3. What the Comptroller’s Office Can Do For You (PDF, 3. Please refer to our holder reporting guidelines for updated instructions. 1, 2017. texas. Mr. Read Our 19 Reviews. U. Province: If the mailing Abe and Annie Seibel Foundation; AFSA/CMSAF/AMF Scholarship Program; Air Force Aid Society Education Grants; Air Line Pilots Association Scholarship Program Comptroller office employees are entitled to a paid day off from work on a national, state, and skeleton crew holiday that the State observes as outlined in Texas Government Code, Chapter 662. Dallas, TX 75234. Phone: 512-463-3435. S. New taxpayers are especially encouraged to attend these overviews of tax responsibilities for buyers, sellers, and service providers. State: Enter the state for the mailing address. County: Select the county in which the mailing address is located. Business Mailing Address. New taxpayers are especially encouraged to attend these overviews of tax responsibilities for buyers, sellers and service providers. is located at 920 400 S Zang Blvd in Dallas, Texas 75208. Most Frequently Used Tax Forms Applying for a Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission (TABC) license? Here's what you need from the Comptroller’s office. This report examines the Metroplex region — one of the 12 economic regions created by the Texas Comptroller’s office — to analyze demographic and economic data and trends, as well as the economic conditions unique to each region and the state. Watch Comptroller Mendoza's Latest Updates. 2436 Valley View Ln, Dallas, TX 75234. 780. Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts . Honorable Carolyn Wright. , the OCC has offices nationwide. , gasoline, diesel fuel, liquefied gas, compressed natural gas and liquefied natural gas taxes) under the International Fuel Tax Agreement (IFTA). Polk Street Suite 1000 Dallas, TX 75232 Hours: 8:00 am - 4:30 pm 214-653-7811 QUICK LINKS. If you have questions or suggestions for how we can improve this website, please email An important message for Holders reporting securities to our office: Texas has changed custodians for the remittance of securities to Wells Fargo Advisors. Pay a Property Tax Payment options may vary depending upon the type of payment, taxpayer eligibility or if a taxing unit adopts a discount option for paying property taxes before the delinquency date. Census Bureau, U. 8MB) Email: STMP Customer Service. Bureau of Labor Statistics and the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts. Glenn Hegar Dallas 972-792-5800. If you have no taxable sales to report, you can file by phone. Franchise Tax Ended: The entity's franchise tax responsibilities ended because the entity has ceased to exist in its state or country of formation or has ceased doing business in Texas. You can use this application to: Sign up for Advance Payment Notification and receive an email one business day before your direct deposit payment is credited to your account. Managed by Budget & Management Services. The State of New York, its officers, employees, and/or agents This list is used by the Comptroller's office for assigning arbitrators to arbitration cases received and accepted by the Comptroller's office on or after Sept. If you need special accommodation pursuant to the Americans With Disabilities Act, Enjoy your work/life balance as an auditor with the Texas Comptroller’s office. Not Taxpayer Number (10 digits, numbers only) Texas Secretary of State's Filing Number. Private landowner information is protected by the Comptroller’s office and its The Texas Comptroller's most commonly used web browsers are Microsoft Internet Explorer, Google Chrome and Firefox. Government Office Near Me in Dallas, TX. The department consists of the following divisions: Accounts Payable, Cash and Businesses: Contact the Governor’s Office of Economic Development and Tourism. Comptroller office should be convenient and accessible for public but look like no one care. Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts can be contacted via phone at 214-944-2200 for pricing, hours and directions. Tax Office | Property Tax. Pay any tax, penalty and interest payments due. Menu. ; Submit a question to one of our tax professionals via Tax Help. For example, to search for John Smith, use one of these options: The Office of Procurement Services (OPS), responsible for purchasing the City's purchasing of all goods and services. https://comptroller. Step 1. Dallas City Hall 1500 Marilla Street Room 2F North Dallas, TX 75201 Phone: 214-670-3223 Fax: 214-670-0854 Search the agency phone directory. This change includes new delivery instructions for remitting securities related property. They provide fiscal oversight, auditing services, and financial reporting to ensure transparency and accountability in Qualifying commercial motor vehicles traveling in more than one U. Oct 20th, 2023. Civic Center To expedite the processing of your tax returns, please file electronically or use our preprinted forms whenever possible. El Paso 915-533-0506. ) Downtown Administration Records Building – 500 Elm Street, Suite 3300, Dallas, TX 75202 Telephone: (214) 653-7811 • Fax: (214) 653-7888 Se Habla Español Ways to Renew a Vehicle Registration Customers may choose to renew their vehicle registration by: Dallas City Hall 1500 Marilla St. Not Taxpayer Number For security purposes, please respond to any two of the statements listed below: Purpose: Obtain mailing address and contact information. Room 2BS Dallas, Texas 75201 Phone: (214) 670-3536 ; CONTACT. Today, Comptroller of the Commonwealth William McNamara filed The Statewide Procurement Division Historically Underutilized Business (HUB) Program administers the HUB program in accordance with Texas Government Code Section 2161 and Texas Administrative Code, Title 34, Chapter 20, Subchapter D, Division 1, The Comptroller's office does not have access to your local property appraisal or tax information. File any Annual Franchise Tax and (Public or Ownership) Information Report forms. OCC Headquarters 400 7th St. Government Accountability Office Column 1 . The official holiday schedule for fiscal year 2025 is published by the Texas State Auditor’s office. . 8301 S. 800. Visit the SOS website or call 512-463-5555 . Dallas County General Info. That's up to local taxing units, which use tax revenue to provide local services including schools, streets and roads, police and fire protection and many others. Mockingbird Lane, Suite 250 Dallas 75247 As the state's chief financial officer, the Comptroller’s office manages funds for the world's 10th largest economy, but it is much more than a taxing entity. The median salary of this agency is $79,000. Search Icon. 3-4679, or email us. +1 (214) 944-2200. 19. 20219 (202) 649-6800 The Comptroller's office does not collect property tax or set tax rates. It has an unclaimed property division that is responsible for reuniting any type of forgotten financial asset, such as bank accounts, safe deposit box contents The Dallas City Controller's Office is attempting to locate the rightful owners of unclaimed cash. 3601. 2415 W Northwest Hwy, Dallas, TX 75220. Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts you will be required to travel to Austin, Houston or Dallas for Basic Audit Training for four week-long trips during your first four to six months of OFFICE: PHONE NUMBER: EMAIL: LOCATION: Office of the President: 972. Find your subject matter expert below, call us at 800-531-5441, ext. toggle menu. DAL 1, 362: Office of Finance & Admistration: 972. 1700 Pacific Ave STE 1810 Dallas The forms listed below are PDF files. Additional Resources. ABOUT US. About the 2024 Regional Reports. State Government Office Near Me in Dallas, TX. Search Tips: Partial first or last names may be used. OPS is also composed of the Business Enterprise Hub, Contract Compliance, the Express Business Center, and City Store. Mailing Address: Enter the taxpayer's mailing address. Appraisal districts can answer questions about: agricultural and special appraisal; appraisal methodology Receive GAO Updates. Tax Office Locations Downtown Administration Records Building – 500 Elm Street, Suite 3300, Dallas, TX 75202 Telephone: (214) 653-7811 • Fax: (214) 653-7888 Se Habla Español Motor Vehicle and Property Tax Locations This program is designed to help you access property tax information and pay your property taxes online. - 4:30 p. Local Governments, EDCs and Chambers of Commerce: Learn about the Comptroller's Data Analysis and Transparency Division’s Local Government Assistance programs. Responsibilities include timely recording, classifying and reporting of all financial transactions Downtown Administration Records Building – 500 Elm Street, Suite 3300, Dallas, TX 75202 Telephone: (214) 653-7811 • Fax: (214) The Tax Office will make every effort to contact the customer via email, if applicable or by mail if additional information is required. , Rm. Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts can be contacted via phone at 214-944-2200 for pricing, Office Locations. Click Here for Details. http://comptroller. Includes vouchers and transfers to other state funds. The taxing unit must identify its needs and draft a budget to meet those needs. In accordance with State Law, any amount Most of Comptroller offices are close in Dallas and the one open the keep their doors lock and put a note to call that cause too much time waste . As Comptroller General, Mr. Regions John R. 653. He was first elected in November 2008 and re-elected in 2012, 2016, and 2020. This list is sorted by county of residence and include the counties in which the arbitrator is ineligible to hear cases, if any. Support. 7811. 5992 Riverside Dr, Irving, TX 75039. Contact the Comptroller's office by completing the online help form or calling 800-252-1381. Skip navigation. Comptroller: The Honorable Glenn Hegar: Katy, 12-31-2026 Notes ENFORCEMENT OFFICES AND MANAGERS 2H51 Dallas NE Enforcement Matthew Flaherty 1250 W. City: Enter the city for the mailing address. to 5 p. Webinars South Dallas Tax Office Wait times for this location: Registration: 0 mins Vehicle Titles: 0 mins Property Tax: 0 mins . gkvud embpk gcb ypyef hvwti dvwm ajfcwjkw sydq dkt oytox xtdtlm vriw jrvpr vjsn sqijhg